Real Estate Photography for Realtor®/Brokers, Builders, Homeowners or Property Mngrs. for the sole use of MLS Listings. Professional Photography that captures the unique selling points of each property using a wide angle lens to showcase the entire space. Detail shots when requested. A combination of natural and artificial light used to convey exact colors.
Pricing is based on square footage of house, number of photos requested and travel outside of standard area.
HDR Photography Optimized for best lighting and representation for a property on MLS
0 - 999 SQ FT - $150
1,000 - 1,999 SQ FT - $175
2,000 - 2,499 SQ FT - $200
2,500 - 2,999 SQ FT - $225
3,000 - 3,499 SQ FT - $250
3,500 - 3,999 SQ FT - $275
4,000 - 4,499 SQ FT - $300
+$49 Each Addt’l 1000 SF
Agent Starter Package
PHOTOS Standard Coverage of Interior and Exterior
(Approx. 25-30 Photos)
VIDEO: 60 Second Video
DRONE: 5 Images
WEBSITE: Included
0 - 1,500 SQ FT - $399
1,500 - 2,000 SQ FT - $449
2,000 - 2,500 SQ FT - $499
2,500 - 3,000 SQ FT - $549
+$99 Each Addt’l 1,000 SF
Agent _____ Package
0 - 1,500 SQ FT - $499
1,500 - 2,000 SQ FT - $549
2,000 - 2,500 SQ FT - $599
2,500 - 3,000 SQ FT - $649
+$99 Each Addt’l 1,000 SF
Agent Elite Package
Video: 90-120 Second Cinematic Video Tour with Drone Footage
Drone: 5-10 Photos
Website: Included
Floor Plan: Included
Social Media Cut: 30 Second
0 - 1,500 SQ FT - $499
1,500 - 2,000 SQ FT - $549
2,000 - 2,500 SQ FT - $599
2,500 - 3,000 SQ FT - $649
+$99 Each Addt’l 1,000 SF